Infections cost you and your patients. We can help.
The Cardinal Health™ Dressing Change Organizer is designed to help you drive compliance, consistency, and reduce Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs).
Learn more
The cost of infections
According to the CDC, CLABSIs “result in thousands of deaths each year and billions of dollars in added costs to the U.S. healthcare system, yet these infections are preventable.”
Who is affected
1 in 20
Patients get an infection each year while receiving medical care.
Bloodstream infection cost per episode.
Bloodstream infections strike hospital patients with central lines each year.
Bloodstream infections happen each year to kidney dialysis patients with central lines.
How infections can be prevented
Bloodstream infections in patients with central lines are largely preventable when healthcare providers use CDC-recommended infection control steps.
Medical professionals have reduced these infections in hospital intensive care unit (ICU) patients by 58% since 2001.
Even so, many infections still occur in ICUs, other parts of the hospitals, and in outpatient care locations.
Causes of CLABSIs
CLABSIs are serious infections that occur when germs (usually bacteria or viruses) enter the bloodstream through the central line.
How patients with central lines can get infected
Hover to learn more.
Hand or glove touching the line can be dirty
Locations where medicines are injected can be dirty
Skin where the line is placed can be dirty
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How to prevent CLABSIs
Healthcare providers must follow a strict protocol when inserting the line to make sure the line remains sterile and a CLABSI does not occur.
In addition to inserting the central line properly, healthcare providers must use stringent infection control practices each time they check the line or change the dressing.
Hand wash with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub before and after touching the line.
Remove the central line as soon as it is no longer needed. The sooner a catheter is removed, the less likely the chance of infection.
In addition to inserting the central line properly, healthcare providers must use stringent infection control practices each time they check the line or change the dressing.
According to the CDC, doctors and nurses can:
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Use CDC-recommended infection control steps every time a central line is put in and used
Remove central lines as soon as they are no longer needed
Be sure that all people taking care of the patient follow the right steps
Speak up if someone is not following the right steps
Our solution
The Cardinal Health™ Dressing Change Organizer Solution is designed to help support your initiatives
to prevent and reduce CLABSIs.
How does the design of the Cardinal Health™ Dressing Change Organizer solution support the reduction of CLABSIs?
We innovated with you and your patients in mind.
— Protects the sterile field
— Centralizes the products needed for dressing changes
— Empowers dressing change compliance
Our single and double organizers are differentiated and innovative solutions that provide step-by-step instructions beginning with hand hygiene.
Our solution walks through applying appropriate skin antiseptics and using the corresponding products, ranging from personal protective equipment to securement dressings to empower infection-free dressing changes.
High-level features
Our offering is available in standard packs or can be customized according to your practice and policy.
Single organizer
Includes one organizer with step-by-step labeled pockets (can be customized) for dressing removal and application.
Double organizer
Includes two organizers, one for removal and one
for application, with step-by-step labeled pockets.
Keep mask on for removal and application
See a simple example
Step 1
Sanitize hands
Step 2
Apply sterile gloves
Step 3
Step 4
Apply hand sanitizer
Step 1
Apply sterile gloves
Step 2
Step 3
Apply disk print side up. Apply securement device.
Step 4
Apply dressing.
Write initials, date and time.
Step 5
Calculate your potential savings with the Cardinal Health™ Dressing Change Organizer solution.
See how you can better prevent infections in patients while also saving costs.
Current number of CLABSIs per year
Target number of CLABSIs per year
Total estimated annual CLABSI cost savings*
*Total cost before – total cost after = annual savings
Calculate again
Let’s work together to minimize CLABSIs.
Contact us
*Must fill out all inputs
*Must fill out all inputs
Apply CHG prep and no-sting barrier wipe.
Let it dry for 30 seconds.
*Please note these steps are an example of how the pockets can be labeled and product included. Steps can be customized based on your hospital’s protocol.
Dispose of gloves after removal process. New gloves will be donned in the application process.
The cost of infections
Causes of CLABSIs
How to prevent CLABSIs
Our solution
Calculate your savings
Contact us
Avg cost per incident
$48,000 -
Avg kit price
$20.00 Source: Presource Average Kit Price (kits with the existing Dressing Change Organizer Pouch)
Avg kit monthly volume
175 Source: Presource Average Kit Monthly Volume (kits with the existing Dressing Change Organizer Pouch)
Before annual cost
$48,000 x Current Number of CLABSIs per year
After annual cost
$48,000 x Target Number of CLABSIs per year + Average Kit Price
($20) x Average Kit Monthly Volume (175) x 12-months
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Footnote section
The following data was used to calculate what the potential cost savings. Please note this calculation is an estimate based on averages. It does not include other indicators that could influence CLABSI outcomes.
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Learn how we calculate your data +
The following data was used to calculate your estimated and potential cost savings. Please note this calculation is an estimate based on the following averages and does not include other indicators that could influence CLABSI outcomes.
Avg Cost Per Incident, $48,000
Avg Kit Price – $20.00 (Source: Presource Average Kit Price for kits with the Cardinal Health Dressing Change Organizer Pouch)
Avg Kit Monthly Vol – 175 (Source: Presource Average Kit Monthly Volume with the Cardinal Health Dressing Change Organizer Pouch)
Before Annual Cost = $48,000 x Current Number of CLABSIs per year
After Annual Cost = $48,000 x Target Number of CLABSIs per year + Average Kit Price ($20) x Average Kit Monthly Volume (175) x 12-months
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